Covver Privacy Policy

Last Modified: March 1, 2023

Welcome to Covver, a platform provided by Covver, Inc. (hereinafter “Covver”, “us” or “we”). Covver knows that you care about how your personally identifiable information is used and shared, and we take your privacy seriously. Personally identifiable information is information that identifies, relates to, describes, references, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer, household, or device (hereinafter “Personal Information”). Personal information does not include publicly available information from government records or deidentified or aggregated consumer information.

This privacy policy (“Privacy Policy”) explains how we collect, store, use, and disclose your Personal Information when you use our website, applications (across all platforms, including mobile, desktop, television, etc.), and any other linked pages, features, or content, including all features and functionalities, user interfaces, and all content and software associated therewith (hereinafter collectively, the “Service”).

This Privacy Policy covers Covver’s treatment of Personal Information that Covver gathers when you are accessing and uploading user-generated content, including images, videos, songs, and text that you choose to upload on the Service (the “Content”) and/or using our Service. This policy does not apply to the practices of companies that Covver does not own or control, or to individuals that Covver does not employ or manage. When using this Service, you may find links to other websites, apps and services, or tools that enable you to share information with other websites, apps and services. Covver is not responsible for the privacy practices of these other websites, apps and services and we recommend that you review the privacy policies of each of these websites, apps or services before connecting your Covver account or sharing any Personal Information.

By using our applications, or in any other way using the Service you acknowledge that you accept the use of your Personal Information and the practices and policies outlined in this Privacy Policy, our Terms of Service, and, if applicable, our State Law Privacy Notice. Please take the time to read this Privacy Policy and make sure you are content with our use and disclosure of your Personal Information. If you do not agree to any of the provisions of this Privacy Policy, you should not use the Service. If you have questions or concerns, you can contact us at

I. User Age Restrictions

Covver is not intended for use by children. Anyone under the age of 13 is not permitted to use the Service and must not attempt to register an account or submit any Personal Information to us. We do not knowingly collect any Personal Information from any person who is under the age of 13 or allow them to register an account. If it comes to our attention that we have collected personal data from a person under the age of 13, we will delete this information as quickly as possible. If you have reason to believe that we may have collected any such data, please notify use immediately at

II. What Personal Information Does Covver Collect?

The Personal Information we gather from our Users enables us to personalize and improve our services and to allow our Users to set up an account if they wish to do so. We collect the following types of information from our Users:

(a) Personal Information You Provide to Us

You can create an account directly on the Service, or you may connect either your Facebook or Google account (each a “Third Party Platform”). Such Third Party Platforms will provide us with information about you described in Personal Information Collected From Other Sources below. Furthermore, in the event that you opt in to a Covver subscription or premium subscription, you will also be required to either (i) provide credit card information and a valid billing address or (ii) link your account to your PayPal account.

You may choose, at your discretion, to provide additional Personal Information to Covver, such as your interests. This information is not mandatory, and any information you provide may be deleted, edited, amended, or changed at any time. For more information, please see the Access, Choice and Control section below.

You will also provide certain Personal Information if you open an email or similar digital communication from Covver, or contact us via email or other communication (including, but not limited to, mail, fax, phone, or other offline means). Covver uses this information to make our communications more interesting and helpful and to improve our Service. If you do not wish to receive email or other communications from us, please see the Access, Choice and Control section below.

(b) Personal Information Collected Automatically

We receive and store certain types of information as a result of your interaction with our Service, or through the use of web analytics services as described in our Cookies and Similar Technology section. Covver automatically receives and records information on our server logs from your browser including:

(1) The Internet Protocol (“IP”) address of the device from which you access the Service (which can sometimes be used to derive the country or city from which you are accessing the Service);

(2) Information collected through cookies and similar technology;

(3) The page you requested and the page that you visited immediately prior to visiting the Service;

(4) The specific actions you take on the Service and any search terms you may enter on the Service;

(5) The time, location, frequency, and duration of your visits to the Service;

(6) Your browser type, operating system and mobile provider;

(7) Metadata that is uploaded along with user Content describing how, when, and by whom the piece of Content was collected, how that Content is formatted, account name, and data that you chose to provide with your Content, e.g. any hashtags used to mark keywords and captions.

(8) The nature of the device from which you are accessing the Service, for example, whether you are accessing from a personal computer or from a mobile device; and

(9) Information regarding your interaction with messages, for example, whether you opened, clicked on, or forwarded the message.

(c) Personal Information Collected From Other Sources

In the event you connect your accounts from a Third Party Platform, such as Facebook or Google, to the Service, then we will receive certain information, which information may be used to instantly personalize your account with the Service. The information that Covver may access, collect and store may include the following, among other information, as allowed by you, by the third party API (for example, Facebook’s API):

· Your name

· Your profile picture

· Your email address

· Your gender

· Your birthday

· Your location

· The names and pictures of your friends, followers, persons you follow, pages you like, or other connections on such third party site.

· Your interests and affinity networks.

· Other information you make publicly available on such third party site.

III. Cookies and Similar Technology

Like many services, we use cookies. Cookies are a service or website’s way of remembering who you are. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your device’s hard drive or stored temporarily in your device’s memory. There are two kinds of cookies: those that are “session” oriented and those that are “persistent.” Session cookies delete from your device when you close your browser. Persistent cookies retain information for later use tomorrow, next week, next month, or whenever they are set to expire. We use cookies to help us to identify Users and to optimize their experience on our Service. We may also use cookies in order to deliver targeted advertising. We may use both first and third party cookies. First party cookies belong to us and third party cookies are ones that another party places on your device. Third party cookies may be used by companies providing a service to us or by business partners in order to advertise to you. By using your device or web browser’s settings, or both, you may modify your cookie settings. Please note, when you disable cookies you may not be able to access certain parts of the Service or the Service may not work properly.

To learn more about how advertisers generally use cookies and the choices advertisers provide, visit:

(a) The Network Advertising Initiative at Opt Out - NAI: Network Advertising Initiative

(b) The Digital Advertising Alliance at | Welcome to

(c) The Internet Advertising Bureau (US) at Home

IV. How Does Covver Use the Personal Information We Collect?

Personal Information about our Users is an integral part of our business. Covver uses the Personal Information that we collect about you for the following purposes:

(a) To present our Service and its contents to you.

(b) To provide you with information or services that you request from us.

(c) To fulfill and enforce our Terms of Service.

(d) To identify you as a User of the Service when you login to your User Profile.

(e) To customize and personalize the Content provided to you.

(f) If you pay for our subscription service(s), to process payment for a Covver subscription.

(g) To measure and understand the effectiveness of the advertising we serve to you and others and to deliver targeted advertising.

(d) Your email address may be used to send you service updates and notifications regarding your account, newsletters, marketing communications, and certain email notifications. For information on how to change your preferences, and to unsubscribe from various Covver communications, please see the Access, Choice and Control section below.

(e) To operate and maintain your Covver account, and to provide you with access to the Service that you may request from time to time;

(f) To provide you with technical support;

(g) To respond to you about any comment or inquiry you have submitted;

(h) To customize your use of the Service and/or content of any email or other material we may send you from time to time;

(i) To conduct research and analysis, and to improve our marketing efforts;

(j) To prevent or take action against activities that are, or may be, in breach of our Terms of Use or applicable law; and

(k) For other purposes, provided that we disclose this to you at a relevant time.

V. How Does Covver Share Your Personal Information?

Unless listed in this Privacy Policy, Covver only uses Personal Information in aggregate form, that is, as a statistical measure, and not in a manner that would identify you personally. This type of aggregate data enables us to figure out how often Users use parts of the Service so that we can make the Service appealing to as many Users as possible, and improve those services. As part of this use of information, we may provide aggregate information to our partners, our advertisers, and other third parties about how our Users collectively use our Service. We share this type of statistical data so that the aforementioned parties may also understand how often people use their services and our Service, so that they, too, may provide you with an optimal experience. Covver never discloses aggregate information in a manner that would reveal your email address or contact information, or in a manner that would identify you individually, either online or in real life.

There are circumstances where we need to share some of the personal information we collect about you or which you provide to us:

(a) We will disclose your Personal Information if you have explicitly agreed that we may do so. We will make this clear to you at the point at which we collect your Personal Information or at another time prior to disclosure of the information.

(b) We will disclose your Personal Information if we believe in good faith that we are permitted or required to do so by law, including in response to a court order, subpoena or other legal demand or request.

(c) We may disclose your Personal Information if we feel it is necessary in order to enforce our Terms of Service and other agreements, policies, and standards, including investigation of any potential violation thereof; and to protect or defend our legitimate rights, property, and interests, or those of our Users, employees, directors, shareholders, or any other third party, and/or to ensure the safety and security of the Service and/or the Users community.

(d) We may transfer your Personal Information to any person or company that acquires all or substantially all of Covver, or on a merger of our business or in the case of our insolvency. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any transferee may continue to use your Personal Information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

(e) We may disclose your Personal Information to contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use to support our business and who are bound by contractual obligations to keep personal information confidential and use it only for the purposes for which we disclose it to them.

VI. Advertising

We will be selling advertising space on the Service. For the purpose of selling ads, we will be disclosing certain anonymized or aggregated user data, such as:

· the number of subscribers you have;

· broad demographic information based solely on de-identified, aggregated, or anonymized data;

· the number of ‘hits’ your magazine has received.

Likewise, there are other types of data that we will never tell advertisers without your affirmative consent, such as:

· the amount of revenue your magazine generates;

· any information that constitutes Personal Information;

· any other financial data.

Additionally, we require advertisers to abide by the following rules:

· They must abide by all applicable privacy laws, rules and regulations governing the use of your data;

· They must not use your data for any purpose (including retargeting, commingling data across multiple advertisers’ campaigns, or allowing piggybacking or redirecting with tags), except on an aggregate and anonymous basis (unless authorized by you and us); and

· They must not transfer any of your data (including anonymous, aggregate, or derived data) to any ad network, ad exchange, data broker or other advertising or monetization related service.

VII. Security

We have implemented measures designed to secure your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use, alteration, and disclosure. All information you provide to us is stored on our secure servers behind firewalls. Any payment transactions and confidential information will be encrypted using SSL technology with DDoS protection[AAG1] .

Covver endeavors to protect User account information to ensure that account information is kept private, however, Covver cannot guarantee the security of User account information. Any transmission of personal information is at your own risk. We are not responsible for circumvention of any privacy settings or security measures contained on the Service. Unauthorized entry or use, hardware or software failure, and other factors, may compromise the security of user information at any time.

The safety and security of your information also depends on you. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password for access to certain parts of our Service, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone. We urge you to be careful about giving out information in public areas of the Service. The information you share in public areas may be viewed by any user of the Service.

The Service may contain links to other sites. Covver is not responsible for the privacy policies and/or practices on other sites. When linking to another site you should read the privacy policy stated on that site. This Privacy Policy only governs information collected on the Service.

VIII. Access, Choice and Control

You can always opt not to disclose information, even though it may be needed to take advantage of certain features of the Service. You are able to add or update certain information in your account settings. When you update your information, however, we often maintain a copy of the unrevised information in our records. You can unsubscribe from email newsletters and notifications (other than essential email notifications) at any time by clicking on the link at the end of each email.

Your mobile device may include a feature that allows you to opt out of some types of targeted advertising ("Limit Ad Tracking" on iOS and "Opt out of Interest-Based Ads" on Android).

You can switch off GPS location information functionality on your mobile device if you do not wish to share GPS information.

You may be able to refuse or disable Cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Because each browser is different, please consult the instructions provided by your browser. Please note that you may need to take additional steps to refuse or disable certain types of Cookies.

As a Covver User, you have the right to review and obtain a downloadable copy of your Personal Information from Covver, to request corrections to your Personal Information, and to request deletion of your Personal Information from Covver. We may not accommodate a request to change information if we believe the change would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect. You may also withdraw your consent to receive e-mail communications from us at any time. You may withdraw your consent to our collection, use, and sharing of your Personal Information at any time by sending an e-mail request to

From time to time, we may desire to use Personal Information for uses not previously disclosed in our Privacy Policy. If our practices change regarding previously collected Personal Information, we will provide notice and obtain consent to any such uses as may be required by law.

IX. Deleting Your Account

You may terminate this Agreement at any time by deleting your account (if applicable), and thereafter ceasing to use the Service. Simply deleting the Service from your mobile device will not effectively terminate this Agreement. If you ask us to delete your account, we will do so within a reasonable period of time.

Once your account has been terminated, any and all information within your account will be irretrievably deleted by Covver, except to the extent that we are obliged or permitted to retain such data or information for a certain period of time in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and/or to protect our legitimate business interests. You are advised to save or back up any material that you have uploaded to your account before terminating your account, as Covver assumes no liability for any material that is irretrievably deleted following any termination of your account.

X. Changes and Updates to this Privacy Policy

Covver reserves the right to change, alter, replace or otherwise modify this Privacy Policy at any time by posting the amended Privacy Policy on or within the Service. You may also be given additional notice, such as an e-mail message or messaging within the Service, of any changes. You will be deemed to have accepted such changes by continuing to use the Service. Except as otherwise stated, all amended terms shall automatically be effective 30 days after they are initially posted

XI. Questions or Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding privacy at Covver, please send us a detailed message to We will make every effort to resolve your concerns.

If you decide that you do not want us to use your personal information in the manner described in the Privacy Policy, please do not use the Service. If you have already registered an account, you can find out how to terminate or cancel your account in the Deleting Your Account section above.
