Last Revised: March 1, 2023

Last Reviewed: March 1, 2023


This State Law Privacy Notice (“Notice”) is for residents of California, Nevada, and Virginia. and supplements our Privacy Policy. It explains how we collect, use, and share your Personal Information and how to exercise your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) and similar laws in Nevada and Virginia. Any capitalized words or terms that are not defined in this Notice shall have the meaning ascribed to it in our Terms of Service.

“Personal Information” means information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with you or “personal data” or similar terms under the applicable privacy laws of the state in which you reside. Personal Information does not include information that is aggregated or information that cannot be reasonably linked to you.

This Notice includes what Personal Information we may have collected about you over the past 12 months (depending on how you use our Service), the source of the Personal Information, and the purposes of use, as well as whether we discloses that Personal Information and if so, the categories of third parties to whom it is disclosed.

How we collect, use, and share Personal Information

To provide the Services, we must process information about you, including Personal Information. Subject to the limitations we describe in our Privacy Policy [HYPERLINK] we may share your Personal Information for business purposes with strict restrictions on how our partners can use and disclose the data we provide, at your direction, or in ways otherwise in accordance with the CCPA and other state laws. We don’t sell any of your Personal Information, and we never will.

The best way to learn about the kinds of information we collect and how we use it is to review Privacy Policy. Here is a summary of the CCPA-related categories of Personal Information we may have collected about you over the past 12 months, depending on how you use our Products, as well as how we use it and with whom we may have shared it.

Categories of Personal Information we collect may include:

· Identifiers;

· Data with special protections, if you choose to provide it;

· Commercial information, if you choose to provide it;

· Internet or other electronic network activity information, including content you view or engage with;

· Location-related information, including precise device location if you choose to allow us to collect it;

· Audio or visual Information, including photos and videos, if you or others choose to provide it;

· Professional or employment information, if you choose to provide it;

· Education information, if you choose to provide it;

· Financial information, if you choose to provide it; and

· Information derived from other Personal Information about you, which could include your preferences, interests, and other information used to personalize your experience.

Examples of how Personal Information is used include:

· Providing, personalizing, and improving our Products;

· Facilitating transactions, providing measurement, analytics, advertising, and other business services;

· Promoting safety, integrity, and security;

· Communicating with you;

· Researching and innovating for social good; and

· To perform other business purposes.

Parties with whom your information may be shared include:

· People and accounts you share and communicate with;

· People and accounts with which others share or reshare content about you;

· Apps, websites, and third-party integrations on or using our Service;

· New owners in the event of a change of ownership or control of all or part of our Service or their assets changes;

· Law enforcement or other third parties in connection with legal requests.

To learn more about how we process information, including other types of Personal Information we collect, return to our Privacy Policy.

Sources of Personal Information

We receive Personal Information from the information that you and others provide, your device(s), and from our partners. The categories of sources from which we’ve collected or received Personal Information include:

· You: We collect the content, communications, and other information you provide when you use our Service, including when you sign up for an account, create or share content, and message or communicate with others. We collect information about the people, magazines, pages, accounts, and hashtags you are connected to, and how you interact with them. We also collect information about how you use our Service, including ads we serve on and off Covver, such as the types of content you view or engage with, the features you use, the actions you take, the people or accounts you interact with, and the time, frequency, and duration of your activities.

· Other people: We may also receive and analyze content, communications, and information about you that other people provide when they use our Service, such as when others share or save your Magazine, or a specific article, photo, or video of yours.

· Your device(s): We collect information from and about the computers, phones, connected TVs, and other web-connected devices you use that integrate with our Service, and we combine this information across different devices you use.

What rights do Residents of California, Nevada, and Virginia have under the state law?

Please note that not all of the rights listed below are applicable to all users and if you are not a resident of the applicable states, you may not be able to exercise these rights. Under state law, you have the following rights, however, these rights are not absolute and in certain cases, we may decline your request as permitted by law.

· Right to Know: You have the right to request that we disclose to you the Personal Information we collect, use, or disclose, and information about our data practices; As a California resident, you may request information about the categories of personal information that we have collected; the categories of sources from which we collected personal information; the business or commercial purpose for collecting, sharing and/or selling personal information; the categories of any personal information that we sold or disclosed for a business purpose; and the categories of any third parties with whom personal information was sold, shared or disclosed for a business purpose;

· Right to Request Access: The right to request copies of your personal information that we have collected about you;

· Right to Request Deletion: You have the right to request that we delete your Personal Information that we have collected from you;

· Right to Non-Discrimination: You have the right to not be discriminated against for exercising any of these rights. We will not discriminate against you for exercising any of these rights. For example, if you exercise your rights, we will not deny you services, charge you different prices for services or provide you a different level or quality of services;

· Right to Request Correction: You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate personal information that we have collected about you;

· Right to Limit: You have the right to request that we limit the use our use or disclosure of your sensitive personal information.

· Right to Opt Out: You have the right to opt out of (i) tracking activities for targeted advertising purposes, (ii) sales of your personal information, and (iii) certain “profiling” as defined in applicable privacy laws, which may include automated processing to analyze or predict your interests or other behavior.

California residents who are 16 years of age and older have the additional right:

· Opt-Out: You have the right to opt out of the sale of your Personal Information by us. Covver does not sell your Personal Information. We do not sell the personal information of consumers we actually know are less than 16 years of age, unless we receive affirmative authorization (the “right to opt-in”) from either the consumer who is at least 13 but not yet 16 years of age, or the parent or guardian of a consumer less than 13 years of age. Consumers who opt-in to personal information sales may opt-out of future sales at any time.

· As previously stated, Covver is not intended for use by anyone under the age of 13, and anyone under the age of 13 is not permitted to use the Service and must not attempt to register an account or submit any Personal Information to us. We do not knowingly collect any Personal Information from any person who is under the age of 13 or allow them to register an account. If it comes to our attention that we have collected personal data from a person under the age of 13, we will delete this information as quickly as possible. If you have reason to believe that we may have collected any such data, please notify use immediately at

California's "Shine the Light" law (Civil Code Section § 1798.83) permits users of our Service that are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please send an email to

If you are a California resident, California law may provide you with additional rights regarding our use of your personal information. To learn more about your California privacy rights, visit California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) .

We may in the future offer, an incentive program that may constitute a “financial incentive” under the CCPA, such as any future rewards programs.

· You have the right to withdraw from the program at any time and may do so by following the instructions in the chart below.

· The value of the incentives provided pursuant to the program depends on various factors, including as applicable: how many users sign up for the program; direct or indirect sales generated from participation in the program; whether the sales generated by the program exceed the cost to us of offering the program; the benefit and insights of your continued use of our Website; and our increased goodwill.

Exercising Your State Privacy Rights

California residents can exercise the above rights themselves, or designate and authorized agent to make requests on their behalf. To either exercise your rights or to have an authorized agent (as applicable) request to do so, please email us at and provide sufficient information that allows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collected personal information or an authorized representative, which may include: your name, username, and/or email.

If you want to make a request, but do not have an account with us, we will ask you for information which we consider necessary to verify your identity for security and to prevent fraud. This information may include name, contact information, and information related to your transaction or relationship with us, but the specific information requested may differ depending on the circumstances of your request for your security and to protect privacy rights. If we delete your personal information, we will both cause certain personal information about you to be permanently unrecoverable and also deidentify certain personal information.

Changes to Our Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to amend this Notice at our discretion and at any time. When we make changes to this Notice, we will post the updated notice on our web-platform, in our app, and update the Notice’s effective date. Your continued use of our Services following the posting of changes constitutes your acceptance of such changes.
